The National Coffee Association is one of the oldest trade associations in the nation, proudly representing the U.S. coffee industry from crop to cup since 1911.
The “cup” part is where you come in—because we’re here to support the vast community of coffee drinkers and enthusiasts.
In fact, the mission of the National Coffee Association is to grow the U.S. coffee community through education, advocacy and connection. AboutCoffee.org helps you explore everything coffee has to offer and discover what fits your needs and preferences.
This site is all about you, and we hope you’ll explore all the information, research and tips here. But, if you’d like to know more about us, read on.
Sippable Fact
After harvesting, green coffee beans are dried, warehoused, and transported across the ocean to ports. New York City was a bustling port city, and it became a center for green coffee import and trade. Many importers started their operations in NYC, and that’s why the NCA established our headquarters there.
We serve coffee
NCA’s members are comprised of coffee businesses of all types and sizes, including producers, roasters, and brands, as well as nonprofit organizations involved in the world of coffee.
Their cumulative expertise and volunteer contributions make our work possible — including reviewing the extensive body of research on coffee and health.
Coffee serves the economy
Not only does coffee power your day, but it also helps power the U.S. economy.
Coffee touches local communities across the country in amazing ways, from the supermarket to the dairy farm, generating tax dollars and jobs.
The experts at Technomic measured the economic impact of the U.S. coffee industry and found that coffee contributes:
- $343.2 billion to the economy each year
- Over 2.2 million jobs
- $101.2 billion in wages
Brewing a bright future, together
NCA continues to evolve in our second century of operation, but we remain committed to a brighter, more sustainable future for the entire coffee community. Here are the principles that guide our work.
Our Mission
To grow the U.S. coffee community through education, advocacy, and connection.
Our Vision:
An open, sustainable, and growing future for coffee.
Our Core Values:
- Collegiality
- Data-Driven
- Inclusion
- Sustainability
- Transparency